Mabon Solitary Ritual

Set up your altar with the quarter candles (North-Green, East-Yellow, South-Red, West-Blue) and
any special quarter marking items you may use in your rituals. Cover your altar with a red cloth
and lay out your ritual items. For Mabon you should use a cornucopia filled with harvest items
but you can always use whatever you have at hand.  Decorate your altar with items such as
acorns, wheat stalks, oat springs, pine and cypress cones, vines, garlands of greenery, apples
and other fall fruit, flowers and grain.

Altar Supplies: incense, burner, cauldron, chalice of water, salt, pentacle, boline, four (4)
element candles, chalice of wine, wand, autumn-colored ribbons tied on the boline. Autumn
leaves for decoration. Three (3) candles (white, red, black) set around the cauldron. Place ivy in
the cauldron (artificial can be used if a live plant isn't available).

When you have your altar set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your ritual
clothing and jewelry. Sit quietly and meditate for a while, to ground and center before beginning
the ritual. When you feel ready to begin, play some soothing music associated with the Sabbat
and your ritual.

After the circle is cast, light the three candles around the cauldron and say:

I call upon the blessed Lady, queen of the harvest,
Giver of life and plenty since before time began.
Bestow upon me your joy and beauty, power and prosperity.
So mote it be.

Salute the ivy filled cauldron with your ribbon adorned boline and say:

I call upon the Lord of the harvest, sacred King,
Giver of riches and protection since before time began.
Bestow upon me your strength and laughter, power and prosperity.
So mote it be.

Take your boline in your power hand and the wine chalice in the other and say:

Always has life fulfilled its cycle and let to
life anew in the eternal chain of the living.
In honor of the Old Gods, I mark the fullness
of my life and the harvest of this year's lessons.

Walk three times  doesil around the circle, beginning in the east, chanting:

The year-wheel turns, and bounty comes.

Move back to the altar and place the boline on it. Set the wine chalice briefly on the pentacle. As
you make the following toast, raise the chalice high each time before taking a sip.

To the good seasons that have gone,
and to the good ones yet to come.
Blessed Be!

To the Goddess! May She bring peace
and fulfillment to all of her children.
Blessed Be!

To the God! May He protect His followers
and bring prosperity and happiness.
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again!
Blessed Be!

Now is the time for meditation and spellwork. Associated spellwork would include those for
protection, wealth, security and/or self-confidence. If you don't have any spellwork, celebrate
with Cakes and Ale, then release the circle. Clean up and you are done.
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The best time to perform this ritual is in the early evening hours just after the Sun sets. Mark
your circle with a cord, stones or other items of nature such as fallen tree branches. Starting in
the North, using your besom, sweep your circle clear of negative energies.

Set up your altar with the quarter candles (North-Green, East-Yellow, South-Red, West-Blue) and
any special quarter marking items you may use in your rituals. Cover your altar with a red cloth
and lay out your ritual items. For Mabon you should use a cornucopia filled with harvest items but
you can always use whatever you have at hand.  Decorate your altar with items such as acorns,
wheat stalks, oat springs, pine and cypress cones, vines, garlands of greenery, apples and other
fall fruit, flowers and grain.

In addition to your usual tools place the following items on your altar:

A red apple
Boline (or other sharp knife for cutting the apple)
A plate (to cut the apple on)
A small fallen tree branch*
go to the asterisk at the bottom to see how to prepare this part ahead of time.
Bits of color appropriate yarn
Small pieces of parchment or paper

When you have your altar set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your ritual
clothing and jewelry. Sit quietly and meditate for a while, to ground and center before beginning
the ritual. When you feel ready to begin, play some soothing music associated with the Sabbat
and your ritual.

After the circle is cast, pick up your wand in your right hand, face your altar and with arms
stretched out, say:

"I honor Thee, Autumn Queen and Thy consort, the God of the Harvest.
The Wheel has once more turned, and the change of season begins.
What will be is. What was will be.
The Equinox is upon us, and the time to reflect, at hand.
All time comes together, here and now in this sacred space.
I feel the change as I pass from one season to the next.
The Second Harvest has been reaped, and the time of rest is deserved.
Go now My Mother and slumber.
Go now My Father and dream of re-birth.
I shall be here to greet Thee on Your return."

With arms still out-stretched, lower your head and close your eyes. Contemplate what you have
just spoken. When ready, open your eyes and lower your arms. Pick up the apple and place it in
the center of the plate. Cut it crosswise with the Boline to reveal the natural pentagram at it's
core. Then lift the apple, pentagram up, in offering, saying:

"As the Wheel turns, the seasons pass,
and the year gives 'way to the next,
Guide me most wise ones,
Lest I forget
Every beginning has an ending
And every ending is a new beginning."

Take a bite of the apple. Put the rest aside to share later with the wildlife. Take the tree branch
and shake it once at each direction, saying:

(Facing North)
"As the days grow colder, and the nights last longer,
May I remember the Summer past."

(Facing East) "With sunlight fading, and hearth inviting,
My memories will warm my soul."

(Facing South) "From a season of hard work and hard play,
I hear Mother's voice calling me forward."

(Facing West) "While I rest, shall She lull me, with songs of a dream,
as close to Her bosom I cling."

Face the altar and hold the branch out in front of you with both hands, saying:

"With memories of the summer, least I forget,
And yearning for the colder months to come,
Least I never stop striving,
I honor thee with this symbol of Nature
Keeping it and thee in my home and heart,
That I may see it and pause,
To reflect on the Ancient Mysteries,
Leading me to a better understanding of myself,
And of others, and all that is life."

Put the limb on the altar and contemplate on the various memory symbols you have attached
to it. Also think about the projects for Autumn and Winter you have cocooned on the offshoots.
When you are ready, say:

"Between the worlds I stand in the sacred place.
All time is here and now.
As I leave this circle, the season shall have changed,
And I will have changed with it.
May I use the short time of Winter
To draw the strength and power from within
As I quest for vision, understanding and peace.

In life is death, and in death is life.
The sacred dance goes on and on
From whence we came, we shall return,
And come again.
Seasons pass, and pass again,
The circle stays unbroken
Heed the words of your child, here,
Through your wisdom I have spoken."

Now is the time for meditation and spellwork. Associated spellwork would include those for
protection, wealth, security and/or self-confidence. If you don't have any spellwork, celebrate
with Cakes and Ale, then release the circle. Clean up and you are done. Leave the tree limb on
your altar or display it in a prominent place in your home as a reminder of all that you have
accomplished in the past year.

Find a fallen tree limb, something small for it will adorn your altar. The more smaller offshoots from
the main limb the better. Take representative items of Autumn such as pine cones, small shells, dried
flowers, etc., and with some string or yarn, tie each item to the offshoots. On the pieces of parchment
or paper write down some projects to work on during the upcoming 'dark' months. Wrap these around
the offshoots (like little cocoons) and tie with the yarn. These
you will open over the next couple of months when you start feeling lost or without a sense of
direction and they will guide you forward with plans you made for the time of rest.

The full moon that is nearest to the autumnal equinox is called the Harvest Moon. Click here to read about the Harvest
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Last update 9-16-09.
Blessed Be!